In association with Money Marketing, host of Her Future Bright Podcast, independent financial adviser, Chanelle Pattinson is joined by Founder of Rainchq, Davinia Tomlinson.
Davinia is the award-winning founder of rainchq, a business she set up to help women take control of their financial futures. She has over 15 years of experience across the investment management and professional services industries including roles at Fidelity Investments and PwC.
Davinia has a First Class Honours degree from Aston University, an Executive MBA from Cass Business School, and holds the Investment Management Certificate (IMC).
Outside of rainchq, Davinia is a Trustee at Talawa Theatre company, established more than 30 years ago to improve diversity in the arts. She has two young daughters and splits her time between London and the Caribbean.
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Chanelle Pattinson was previously featured at Money Marketing Interactive on our Financial Adviser 2B panel.
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