In association with Money Marketing, host of Her Future Bright Podcast, independent financial adviser, Chanelle Pattinson is joined by Aspiring Financial Planner, Kate Evans.
After spending years dreading Monday mornings and mumbling a standard ‘yeah, it’s ok thanks’ to anyone who asked about work, Kate decided enough was enough and finally did something about it. That it, was a complete career change into the world of Financial Planning. As an aspiring Financial Planner, you’ll find her currently honing her attention to detail and ability to focus as a Paraplanner at Lucent Financial Planning. 12 months in, if you ask her about work, you’ll see a sparkle in her eye before she launches into how much she’s loving what she does! If you enjoyed the episode, please do share it and leave us a review. Make sure you subscribe to keep up to date with the latest episodes.
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Chanelle Pattinson was previously featured at Money Marketing Interactive on our Financial Adviser 2B panel.
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